Archival Journals
W. H. Chen, C. P. Chen, J. S. Tsai, J. Yang, and P. C. Lin, “Design and implementation of a ball-driven omnidirectional spherical robot”, Mechanism and Machine Theory (MMT) (accepted)
S. C. Chen, K. J. Huang, W. H. Chen, S. Y. Shen, C. H. Li, and P. C. Lin, “Quattroped: A leg-wheel transformable robot”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), May 2013, DOI 10.1109/TMECH.2013.2253615 [PDF]
P. C. Lin, J. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai, and C. W. Ho, “Design and implementation of a nine-axis inertial measurement unit”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), Aug. 2012, vol.17, no.4, pp657-668 [PDF]
G. A. Lynch, J. E. Clark, P. C. Lin, and D. E. Koditschek, “A bioinspired dynamical vertical climbing robot”, International Journal of Robotic Research (IJRR), July 2012, vol.31, no.8, pp974-996 [PDF]
Y. C. Chou, W. S. Yu, K. J. Huang, and P. C. Lin, “Bio-inspired step-climbing in a hexapod robot”, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, May 2012, vol.7, 036008 [PDF]
J. G. Wu, M. C. Liu, M. F. Tsai, W. S. Yu, J. Z. Chen, I. C. Cheng, and P. C. Lin, “Multi-layer thermoelectric-temperature-mapping microbial incubator designed for geo-biochemistry applications”, Review of Scientific Instruments, Apr. 2012, vol.83, 045116 [PDF]
S. C. Chen, C. C. Ko, C. H. Li, and P. C. Lin, “Stair climbing in a quadruped robot”, International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology (AUSMT), Mar. 2012, vol.2, no.1, pp11-20 [PDF]
M. C. Liu, J. G. Wu, M. F. Tsai, W. S. Yu, P. C. Lin, I. C. Chiu, H. A. Chin, I. C. Cheng, Y. C. Tung, J. Z. Chen, “Two dimensional thermoelectric platforms for thermocapillary droplet actuation”, RSC Advances, Feb. 2012, vol.2, no.4, pp1639-1642 [PDF]
J. C. Lu and P. C. Lin, “State derivation of a 12-axis gyroscope-free inertial measurement unit”, Sensors, Mar. 2011, vol.11, no.3, pp3145-3162 [PDF]
S. Yang, K. Khare, and P. C. Lin, “Harnessing surface wrinkle patterns in soft matter”, Advanced Functional Materials, Aug. 2010, vol.20, no.16, pp2550-2564 [PDF]
J. Z. Chen, H. H. Shieh, I. C. Cheng, C. C. Hsiao, P. C. Lin, and Y. H. Yeh, “The electromechanical characteristics of ZnO grown on Poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrates”, May 2010, vol.157, Journal of The Electrochemical Society no.7, H750-H754 [PDF]
P. C. Lin and S. Yang, “Mechanically switchable wetting on wrinkled elastomers with dual-scale roughness”, Soft Matter, Feb. 2009, vol.5, pp1011-1018 [PDF]
P. C. Lin, S. Vajpayee, A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui, and S. Yang, “Mechanically tunable dry adhesive from wrinkled elastomers”, Soft Matter, Aug. 2008, vol.4, pp1830-1835 [PDF]
Y. Zhang, E. A. Matsumoto, A. Peter, P. C. Lin, R. D. Kamien, and S. Yang, “One-step nanoscale assembly of complex structures via harnessing of an elastic instability”, Nano Letter, Apr. 2008, vol.8, pp1192-1196 [PDF]
D. Chandra, S. Yang, and P. C. Lin, “Strain responsive concave and convex microlens arrays”, Applied Physics Letters, Dec. 2007, vol.91, 251912 [PDF]
P. C. Lin and S. Yang, “Spontaneous formation of 1D ripples in transit to highly-ordered 2D herringbone structures through sequential and unequal 2D mechanical force”, Applied Physics Letters , Jun. 2007, vol.90, 241903 [PDF]
K. Huang, P. C. Lin, and S. Tsai, “Magnetic torque compensating methods for cam indexing devices”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (T-MAG), Mar. 2007, vol.43, no.3, pp1061-1071 [PDF]
J. C. Spagna, D. I. Goldman, P. C. Lin, D. E. Koditschek, and R. J. Full, “Distributed mechanical feedback in arthropods and robots simplifies control of rapid running on challenging terrain”, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, Mar. 2007, vol.2, no.1, pp9-18, journal cover for March 07 issue [PDF]
P. C. Lin, H. Komsuoglu, and D. E. Koditschek, “Sensor data fusion for body state estimation in a hexapod robot with dynamical gaits”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), Oct. 2006, vol.22, no.5, pp932-943 [PDF]
P. C. Lin, H. Komsuoglu, and D. E. Koditschek, “A leg configuration measurement system for full body pose estimates in a hexapod robot”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), Jun. 2005, vol.21, no.3, pp411-422 [PDF]